June 3, 2019


In 2011, the City of Johannesburg Health Department piloted the supply of chronic medication to old age homes, retirement villages and the elderly day care centre as a means of improving access to health care for the elderly people of Diepsloot.


In 2011, the City of Johannesburg Health Department piloted the supply of chronic medication to old age homes, retirement villages and the elderly day care centre as a means of improving access to health care for the elderly people of Diepsloot.

The chronic medicines were supplied and delivered to these homes by the City’s pharmacists and health professionals. The medicines were provided only to stable and compliant chronic patients that usually attended the City of Johannesburg clinics.

As the Dieplsoot community and healthcare landscape grew the NDoH saw the need to expand access to medication to other chronic stable patients. The PDU solution has been brought in to respond to the need of accessible medication in convenient places for the benefit of the patient.

There are 12 referral facilities in the Diepsloot district with an estimated 28 000 patients on chronic medications in 2015. One of the main challenges with the Diepsloot district is the location of current healthcare facilities. Patients often have to travel long distances to get to their nearest clinic. The PDU site is planned to alleviate this burden by taking major travel routes and shopping areas into consideration.

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