Pharmacy Dispensing Units - PDU™
PDU/ATM Pharmacy
A COVID-19 friendly and Right ePharmacy flagship product, the PDU is an ATM-like innovation that uses electronic and robotic technology to dispense medication. The PDU uses integrated cloud-based technology to enable remote dispensing, labelling and live patient counselling. The cloud-based information system hosts and manages patient data and links the patient to a remote pharmacist via an audio-video link. This virtual consultation between the patient and the pharmacist is called tele-pharmacy.
Pharmacy Dispensing Unit
The solution can also provide an economic alternative to scaling up medicine dispensing capacity in public services in a responsible and compliant manner. PDUs offer alternative collection options for the decentralising of patients from the main public health facilities and are excellent service points for both in-hospital pharmacy requirements, as well as out-of-hospital remote dispensing requirements. PDUs are primarily used to dispense chronic medication to patients, but they can be customised and utilized for specific programmes such as universal test and treat or malaria campaigns.
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